

周六加入我们, 9月7日及星期日, september 8th on Southport between Roscoe and Addison for delicious tacos, 现场音乐, 还有更多!

这里有各种各样的商店, 精品店和餐厅, the Southport Corridor is arguably one of the hottest commercial strips in Chicago. Whether one prefers their shells filled with traditional chicken, 牛排, 辣香肠和牛肉, or stuffed with imaginative ingredients such as mushrooms, 海鲜, 山羊和鸭子, this fall fest is a wildly popular fixture to the Windy City’s food scene. More than 10 local eateries challenge themselves to make the tastiest tacos.

The fest also features special beer and taco pairings, 两个音乐舞台, 讨人喜欢的墨西哥摔跤手, 儿童活动, 游客可以发短信投票选出芝加哥“最佳墨西哥卷饼”.”

10美元的建议捐款使 湖景之友.

志愿者 at the Lakeview Taco Fest beverage tents to sell, pour and hand out beverages or help out at the 志愿者 table. 必须年满21岁才能发球. 志愿者s will receive a drink ticket at the end of their shift. 轮班开始时间是你必须签到的时间. 入住后我们会送您去帐篷. 点击按钮注册 & 了解更多!




这是他们在湖景塔可节的首次亮相, owners Chef Ricky Ortiz and Creative Director Ashley Ortiz, 为自己独特的墨西哥卷饼而自豪.  Their two brick-and-mortar locations (one in Wicker Park and the other in Bridgeport) are wildly popular because there is so much love behind what they do.  Whether it’s the always freshly made tortillas or their use of locally source products, 期待一种味觉感受.  We’re particularly pumped for their pork carnitas taco which includes tamarind BBQ and bacon (yes, 培根卷)!

You may wonder why we have so many authentic Mexican restaurants that participate in Lakeview Taco Fest?  The reason – they all put their unique touch on the stuffed tortilla.  Banges墨西哥菜也不例外.  它们是节日的最爱是有原因的!

位于罗斯科村的中心, 击败了厨房 has been serving Chicago with an excellent variety of 现场音乐, 1994年以来的食物和啤酒. 这座历史建筑建于1889年, with the back room previously serving as a neighborhood butcher shop prior to being converted into a 现场音乐 space. 巡演和当地的音乐家, comedians and artists grace the stage with shows almost every night. 罗伯特·戈麦斯所有, 击败了厨房 has been the home to every genre of music, 举办一些最知名的现场音乐表演 & 喜剧! 顺便去看一场表演或喝一杯 & you’ll often find regulars from the close-knit Roscoe Village community posted up at the bar.

他们的名字说明了一切!  They are known for their delicious carnitas tacos among other fest favorites including their refreshing and flavorful agua fescas beverages.

El Campeón is a local Chicago company founded in 1993, in the Pilsen Neighborhood. They have participated in special events in the city, providing specialty food items ever since. In 1999, they created our authentic Piña Colada Acapulco Style and have never looked back! 从风城到周围的郊区, 横跨中西部地区, to Miami on the East Coast and Los Angeles on the West Coast, their exotic and tasteful drink has now become a staple every event we partake in!

Whether it’s their beef, chicken or pork tacos, authentic is the name of their game.  They bring slow cooked meats and fresh ingredients sandwiched between a tortilla.  除了很棒的墨西哥卷饼, be sure to check out their burritos and quesadillas – which, 在某种程度上, take on different flavors with pretty similar ingredients!

La Cebollita Grill
Located on the outskirts of Marquette Park in Chicago, La Cebollita Grill has been coming back to the Lakeview Taco Fest for many years.  为什么?  They want to spread their love to Chicago’s Northside every year!

擎天玉米饼是由两个塔克罗兄弟创立的, 安东尼和埃里克·卡德纳斯, decided to team up and bring their Mexican roots and dishes to the city of Chicago. You know what they say; nothing brings people together like good food, 尤其是美味的正宗墨西哥菜. Quickly, customers who tasted '炸玉米饼 delights started coming back for more. 一眨眼的功夫, what first started as occasionally cooking in their backyard and for parties began to grow into one of the city’s main attractions for food lovers.

Located in Aurora, IL, family-owned 位置,看得我目瞪口呆Arceo is as authentic as it gets.  Their traditional Mexican style tacos and homemade rice and beans will have you wanted more after just one taste.

Hailing from Chicago’s 回来 of the Yards neighborhood, 墨西哥城市餐厅 serves up nothing but traditional Mexican tacos from old recipes passed down from generation to generation.  One taste and you’ll be transported back to the Old World in Mexico.

Tandoor Char House设计的Tikki Masala Taco House
卫冕冠军!  As all great storytellers will tell you, the best place to start is the beginning.  Fahim and Faraz’s Indian father and Pakistani mother were famous amongst their friends for their delicious dinners and generous natures.  Only their mother was able to meet and exceed their father’s high culinary standards through the use of the best ingredients and the implementation of the most ancient of techniques. Amazed and inspired by the deliciously sumptuous stews simmering in their mother’s Karhai, and their father’s rare and delectably deep marination of Halal meats charred to perfection according to tradition, Fahim and Faraz breathed life into Tandoor Char House.  See how they’ve transformed these flavors into tacos (you will not be disappointed)!

Tuco & 勃朗黛
没有屠库,湖景塔可节就不是塔可节了 & 勃朗黛.  Their Southport roots and unique spin on tacos make them a welcome addition to this fest.  一定要尝尝他们的传统牛排, chicken tinga and beef tacos but also their crispy cauliflower taco with chipotle mayo, 豆薯卷心菜沙拉, 香菜酸橙奶油是不容错过的.




11:30am – 墨西哥流浪乐队Los Palmeros
1:00pm –
3:00pm –
5:30pm –
8:15pm – 即将到来的!!


11:30am – 墨西哥流浪乐队Los Palmeros
下午1:00 - 77解决方案
2:30pm –
Pino Farina乐队
4:30pm –
7:00pm –
Rod tuff卷发和卧推



1:00pm – 摇滚学院
2:30pm –
4:00pm –
6:00pm –
《Anthem’s Grand Illusion: A Styx Tribute
8:00pm –


11:30am – XOCHI
1:00pm –
3:00pm –
5:00pm –
7:30pm –



由SSA 27提供的面部绘画和气球艺术家
